Sunday, June 14, 2009

Day Uno: June 14, 2009

Hello fellow dieters! Today, I am starting a new diet!- The bell pepper diet! You never heard of it? ME NEITHER! haha this is a new diet that I am starting and I'm gonna blog about daily so you can see my progress (and see if it even works).

Summer is almost here for me, one more week until school gets out and I need a bikini body! I know that I cant achieve it in just a week, this is going to become a summer-long project! I want to show my classmates just how great I can look.

So, today I weigh 134 pounds (GROSS) and I'm 5 foot 5 inches.

Today, I had eggs with toast and red bell peppers with some salad dressing it dip the peppers in. This makes them so much more delicious to eat!

**** IF YOU'RE GOING TO TRY THIS DIET TOO- KEEP IN MIND THAT A MEDIUM BELL PEPPER IT IS ONLY 30 CALORIES! WOW! So, Id say that every time they you get hungry, go and eat a pepper.

GOOD LUCK IF YOU'RE TRYING IT! And I'll post more tomorrow :)

1 comment:

  1. Count me in... I will also start bell pepper dieting and I am confident that I will loose weight. Thank you for sharing the information and keep posting proceedings with us
